Through “Africa in the Classroom” and the performances of Afro-Diamonds, Africano aims to bring greater understanding and tear down some of the misconceptions about Africa in general and Uganda in particular.

Mental Health Services
Africano has a social worker on staff who provides counseling and links to local services throughout the area. All families get a full intake session and are supported as needed.

Community Food Pantry
With many in the community facing food insecurity, Africano packages donations of food from local food banks, supplements it with Ugandan staples that many in our community miss, and holds a food pantry every two weeks. Africano also delivers the groceries to the hardworking members of the community who work long hours and can’t get to the food distribution. 1-4pm, every second Thursday

Translation Services
This service is offered as needed, from either our members or from any formal office.

Dance & Drum Circle

Cultural Immersion in the Classroom
“Africa in the Classroom” is a program that introduces school children to the vibrancy of African culture. The program utilizes stories, crafts, and performance to take students on a trip to Africa and turn the classroom symbolically into an African village.
Sample 1: The instructor leads the youth from each grade in making a different African-inspired craft such as bead necklaces, musical instruments, fashion items such as headbands or cloaks in the style of the Maasai suuka, or games such as Omweso or football (soccer). The craft-making is enhanced with stories that bring the traditions of Africa to life. The program culminates in an all-school assembly where the students all come together and show off their African creations in a pageant that re-creates traditional village life. Africano works with the schools to fit the program to their needs. September through June.